Wills and Trusts
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Wills and Pour-Over Wills
- Nominate guardians for children.
- Designate how much and to whom all property is to be distributed at death, including natural, adopted, and step-children.
- Leave property to someone who would not take under intestate succession.
- Avoid legal issues that arise from intestate estate administration, e.g., a will can waive the bond requirement for the appointed personal representative.
Revocable Living Trusts and QTIP Trusts
- The settlor has the right to revoke while living.
- Avoid a potentially expensive and time-consuming probate process.
- Greater control over assets and distributions.
- Preserve privacy.
- Spread or sprinkle trust income or principal to beneficiaries years after the Settlor’s death.
- It can diminish the costs associated with will contests or invalid creditor claims.
- Maximize federal and state estate tax exemptions.
Power of Attorney for Healthcare and Property
- It allows for peace of mind and protection in the event of becoming disabled.
- Determine the end of life decisions.
- Reduce family stress.
- Stipulate funeral arrangements.
Special Needs Trusts
- Protect your child’s financial future.
- Retain government benefits.
- Ensure your child is cared for by a loved one.
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